WCI’s Continuing Financial Education 2020

I was very much looking forward to traveling to Las Vegas to speak at WCICON20 earlier this month but ended up unable to because of the whole devastating pandemic thing, but Jim and crew have released the conference e-course today. I and several other folks who couldn’t make it in person recorded our talks for inclusion after the fact, so there are over 34 hours of lecture worth 10 hours of CME.

Due to horrific computer glitch, I lost audio during my original recording and had to the majority of it again a second time while juggling my infant and 4-year-old, so I welcome you to check it out and see if you can feel the undercurrent of my electronically induced suffering. The struggle is real.

The course is included in the conference fee, so even if you went in person you should still check it out and hear the extra talks. I already enjoyed the talk from Morgan Housel (author of the upcoming The Psychology of Money) earlier today.

For everyone else, the cost is $100 off through April 21 with code CFEINTRO (which is already embedded in this totally monetized affiliate link).


grateful reader 04.14.20 Reply

Thank you for mentioning it was an affiliate monetized link.

And now…for the long list of refi lenders (those are BIG $$$)

Ben 04.14.20 Reply

Ha. I keep those mostly hidden on one page of the site. Undoubtedly a terrible move financially, but I don’t have the heart to put them on every post with the word loan in it.

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