From “Writer Math” by Elissa Bassist in McSweeney’s:

If you think a piece is 100 percent done, it’s actually 45 percent done. To get it to 100 percent done, you can’t.

// 06.12.24

In addition to being New Year’s, this site turned 15 years old (!) today. It contains hundreds of posts, over a half million words, and oodles of my time.

Thanks for reading!

// 01.01.24

Hold in the back of your mind the notion that someday you’re gonna write a book. You don’t have to write it this year. Meanwhile, writing begets writing. Just get into some kind of situation where you are writing, and if it’s some various thing you’re publishing online, it’s still grist to the mill.

Legendary nonfiction writer John McPhee in an interview with GQ at the tender age of 92. For further reading, see Draft No. 4.

// 08.22.23