The Hit Points

Starting in 2003, my secret work/study music has mostly been comprised of hundreds of wonderfully creative arrangements of video game music, largely thanks to a website called OverClocked Remix, which has been steadily curating a massive collection of high-quality pieces for almost 20 years.

Which brings me to this stellar bluegrass rendition of a theme from a Kirby game (that I haven’t played):

My son wants to listen to this song on repeat in the car on the way to school literally every day.

Check out The Hit Points’ complete new album CD for free on their bandcamp. Every piece isn’t a standout, but the overall effort is still just delightful. If you can recognize Guile’s theme from Street Fighter II from your childhood, you’ll immediately agree that it was meant to be played this way.


Burt 08.25.18 Reply

I see your Bluegrass Kirby and raise you some Mariachi Zelda:

Ben 08.29.18 Reply

Gerudo Valley was my favorite song from OoT. My 3-year-old voted and he prefers bluegrass, but he was also hungry and needed a snack.

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