My books about Student Loans are free through the end of July

Last year I published a book about managing student loans for medical students and doctors. Earlier this year I extensively revised that into a new book for a general audience. This week, I updated both books.

And now, I’m giving them away for free (at least until the end of July 2018).

Student loans are now depressingly the largest category of consumer debt outside of mortgages. With another graduating class hitting the workforce, I wanted to make my student loan books available to everyone. These are around 45k words, so they’ll take a few hours to get through, but it’s time well spent.



Amazon doesn’t easily let you give away free books these days, so I’ve discounted them to $9.99 $2.99.

To get a copy for free, you can download one from your inbox by signing up below for my forthcoming very infrequent/sporadic email newsletter. And, if you aren’t interested in ever hearing from me again, then just hit the unsubscribe link in the first paragraph of the download email. I don’t have any interest in cluttering your inbox.


[sorry, promotion is over!]


If you’re a medical student or physician, click the box for Medical Student Loans. If you’re anything else, click the box for Dealing with Student Loans. These are essentially the same book adapted for different audiences. You only need one.

Topics include:

  • Borrowing less and minimizing interest accrual during school
  • How Federal Loans Work & Federal Repayment Options
  • Income-driven repayment (IBR, PAYE, REPAYE, and ICR)
  • Federal “Direct” Consolidation
  • Forbearance & Deferment
  • Public Service Loan Forgiveness
  • Maximizing PSLF
  • Long-Term (IDR) Loan Forgiveness & Loan Repayment Programs (LRP)
  • Private Refinancing
  • Taxes & Retirement

Please consider sharing this. There are very few good resources for student loans and a lot of misinformation. I wrote these books because no one else had. I hope you enjoy them.


toastayy 06.21.18 Reply

Where is the link to sign up exactly?

toastayy 06.21.18 Reply

Sorry, it seems on chrome I couldn’t view the subscription box, but it worked fine when I went incognito.
Really appreciate the books and for free!
I’ve quite enjoyed your site Ben. Wishing you all the best for the future.

– Toastayy MS4

Ben 06.21.18 Reply

Thanks! Weird, I can see the form on Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. If anyone else has trouble seeing it, feel free to drop a comment and I can have it sent to your email.

Nikhila 07.24.18

Can’t seem to sign up!

Ben 07.24.18


Diane 07.08.18 Reply

Two words: THANK YOU!!!

Burt 07.09.18 Reply

Bless you, from an indebted student too stubborn and idealistic to be a rational economic actor with regard to career choices!

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