Workflowy redesign

This is some niche dorky stuff for a Saturday night, but I’m excited: My digital brain, Workflowy, just got a modern redesign.

For those who don’t know, Workflowy is a totally free (with very optional paid options) outliner/todolist/organizer that allows you to have infinitely nested arbitrarily large outlines/lists. If that doesn’t make sense, just try it. It’s ridiculously simple but very powerful. I even wrote the bulk of my last book in it.

The main downside for me has been that Workflowy’s design has been stuck in yesteryear. I’ve been spoiled by a number of elegant writing environments over the past few years, and I actually do think the extra zen makes a difference. This new design is, as expected, super simple, but the clean lines and font crispen up the experience just enough. Well done!

If you’ve already given Workflowy a try, you can activate the new beta design through the options page here. Now they just need to update the iPhone app!

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